Monday 2 August 2010

Wings News: Sony Betarooms impressions and Killzone 3 Hands-On

On friday evening me and ifmenhadwings headed out to the Sony Betarooms in Birmingham to experience some of the gaming giants bigger games coming out in 2010/11. This included 3D and the Playstation Move as well as some of the larger titles on Sony's palette. If you want to here about my experience with 3D then go here to view the article, for the Playstation Move head over here and finally for Killzone 3 pop on to here to check it out.

The rooms were interesting and it was really good to get some hand-on experience with some of the new technology that is going to be erupting on our market pretty soon. It was a small event which was good as it allowed us to get on the games and have a really good go without horrendous queues. Overall a really good time was had as well as some great insight into where the games industry could be heading.

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