Saturday 21 August 2010

Where Have I Been?

All right, sorry there have not been any posts for a little while on the blog. Things have been pretty busy of late and have seen me struggling to juggle all the various bits and bobs that I do. But with that behind us I am making significant progress on some of my projects and have just managed to gain some more so I can concentrate on jobs like this very blog and ifmenhadwings.

First off for those that do not know, I am currently developing and designing an iPhone game. This said iPhone game has been making some pretty slow progress of late due to various other work and so on. But over the last week it has suddenly gone from being a quiet and ever present pain in the back of my head to yet another exciting prospect in my design life. This is mainly due to my programmer buddy getting back off holiday and wanting to get the game done in a month, which is awesome, and another good friend agreeing to do my animated cut-scenes for me. double the awesome! So as you probably can tell I am thrilled to be back on with the chase and have currently completed designing my first three worlds as well as completing all of the sprites for each of them.

Unfortunately at this moment in time I cannot show you the progress of the game due to the commercial side of things but what I can do is keep you up to date on the progress of the aptly named Aliens Stole My Cat! so come back soon for more info!

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