Tuesday 13 July 2010

So Why A New Blog?

So, I have started a brand new blog to chronic my thoughts, ideas and general games design gibberish in a seperate place to that of my reflective diary, To Play or Not to Play. Why you may ask, must I have more than one blog displaying and discussing my work? Well let me explain a little bit. Over the past few weeks I have been doing quite a bit of work out side of academia developing an iPhone game as well as writing news articles, reviews and previews for a gamer website If Men Had Wings. With this additional work on top of my current academic design research I feel like I have started a new beginning of sorts, and with this feel the need to start something new and seperate to accompany my new fully video-game orientated lifestyle.

The basic gist then is that this new blog is going to cover my entire life in games design, professionally and academically week in week out. This will include on going projects as well as ideas, theories, critical responses to games and their designs, links to stories I have written or have found interesting and of course things that amuse me in the world of games.

So keep posted and subscribe to my feed if you are interested in video-games and the design of them, and thanks for visiting.


DexterXS said...

Ben! I was subscribed to a number of the MA blogs but must admit I wasn't aware of yours. A huge shame it seems, as you are a really regular and dedicated blogger :D If I'd known, I might have been more aware of ur interests in games journalism for a start!

Anyway I have "followed" both your blogs now, and look forward to future posts :) readers +1

Benjamin Paul Hill said...

Thank you very much for the kind words Steve. I'm really looking forward to cracking on with this blog. I'm also building a website in flash as well to showcase some of my work and act as a hub to my blogs. I shall keep you posted on it!