Friday 13 May 2011

Whats that Mr. Box? You can pick things up now?

Small post today with good news! As you may know from my last post I have been tinkering with the idea of small puzzle game involving balls, triggers, platforming and doors. Well I was pondering one of my mechanics which originally was the ability to pick rigidbodies up with your mouse and move them around and realised the problem with this mechanic is that I have used this in a number of other projects before. Knowing this I knew that I really fancied something different with the same objective as the drag/drop. So after many hours trying various scripts and asking for help from the lovely people on many a forum I have managed to make a square pick up a ball by a click of a button!

This may not seem like much to an experienced programmer but in terms of where this projects is now heading I practically have all the tools to really create something fun. This new ability limits the players to only pick objects up when they are stood infront of them. They can then move them around the game play area and drop them where they would like to.

Check the small demo out below to see how it would work with my current ideas.

Sunday 1 May 2011

Another room in a 2D style rather than 2.5D

I made an extra room in the game and changed the camera to orthographic so that the visuals were 2D rather than 2.5D.

Again like before for better quality check out YouTube.

I got distracted and made a new game...kind of!

So I said to myself I would do some work this evening on my Project Cat Boy level design document when I accidentally hit the Unity button *woops*. I then couldn't help but play around with bits and bobs that I have been doing over the past month.

I came up with a simple yet fun game, where the player has to get a pink ball into a trigger to advance to the next room. The rooms aren't mind bending but I quite liked the idea of it and since I haven't used Unity for a little while I thought I would stretch the old mind and make something out of it.

Then as I am so kind I thought I would make a little video to show people. You never know I may make it into a full game if people like the idea!

Thoughts and opinions as usual are always welcome.

If you want to see a better quality video check out the video on Youtube!