Monday 21 March 2011

New IP Project And A Taste Of Whats To Come

As people who read my posts will know I finished my Masters in Games Design in January and having done very well on the course decided to take a small amount of time out after I got my marks and do a spot of writing on here and on Gamasutra whilst I applied for jobs. Having not been 100% successful on the job hunt so far I have decided to ‘buddy’ up with a good friend of mine Mr. Steve Gregson (co-creator of Safety First) to create a game that I have been part designing for quite a while whilst I continue to look for work.
The main idea for the title so far is to re-create that platform/adventure feeling that was popularised by titles such as Flashback and Oddworld with the humour and fun of the old LucasArts titles. Of course these are just examples of the area we want to progress into and not a full guide to what will come as the game mechanic ideas for the project are quite different to those found in these titles and the art direction will be considerably more light hearted. Due to this being an indie title that is a labour of love we will no doubt take inspiration from many different walks of art and design that have inspired us to take up games design in the first place and will take quite a while to accomplish.
We are aiming to have a demo of the game up and running in the next few months and will be creating a developers blog to chronicle out advancements on the game showing off concept work and screenshots whilst also talking about game ideas and designs without giving away too much. At this very moment our story overview is being finalized and our game mechanics are being refined so expect a post very soon with new information and pictures to wet your appetite and a link to the games new home!


Pete Bottomley said...

Excellent! Can't wait to see what you come up with, I have every faith it will be as unique and enjoyable to play as your past projects! Good luck my man!

Maybe a few hints at some possible visuals?

Benjamin Paul Hill said...

We are looking at keeping it cartoony, but not using toon shaders like in my last project. More textured like Lost Winds by Frontier games emitted through a toon filter in Unity to create textures that don't react to lighting. Like the post states I will have some concept designs, character designs and a story overview to share soon!

Elcura said...

Sounds good, I hope to see something awesome in the coming weeks.