Wednesday 26 January 2011

List of things that I want to achieve before I am too old to really achieve them in the game industry.

(These are in no particular order)
Work in the games industry for other design companies for 5-10 years to gain valuable experience.

To set up my own games design studio before I am 35 years of age.

To write 2 books around the subject of games design and the artistic talent and potential it has.

To help set up a website in the future to help graduate/ up and coming games designers to integrate themselves into the games design community.

So there you are, a small list of obtainable goals that I would like to achieve in my career. Not too interesting for you guys but at least I have it written down somewhere!
On other news I have also now set up a blog page at Gamasutra and will be writing there shortly about various game design topics, theories as well as my progress with gaining a career in games design!

1 comment:

Emanuel Montero said...

Great blog and awesome list! Mine is not too different :)

I will be happy writing a single game design book, though. Only Chris Crawford can fill two game design books in a single lifetime.
