Friday 17 September 2010

Tokyo Game Show 2010 part two

Another day in Tokyo and more games are shining through the crowd and its nice to see that there have been some more Kinect games announced that stray away from the mini game base and are trying to do something different with the technology. It's is also great to see some truly wondrous traditional Japanese games appear as well.

My favourites of the last 12 hours are below, let me know your thoughts on them please.

The Last Guardian

The Last Guardian is one of those games that I have been waiting for years to come out. Now with an estimated launch of christmas 2011 those long years are slowly coming to an end! Check out more screens and a trailer here

Ni No Kuni

Legendary film makers Studio Ghibli have teamed up with Level 5 to produce a game that looks absolutely stunning. These screens are from the PS3 yet the game is also coming to the Nintendo DS. More info here.

Yakuza: Of The End (with zombies)

I don't really know what to say to this... see what Kotaku thinks.

Panzer Dragoon on Kinect?

Apparently creator of Panzer Dragoon is creating a game for Microsofts Kinect...with Dragons in it! Find out more here

Parappa The Rappa creator "Haunts" Kinect

The game is apparently going to be a puzzle game that uses the Kinects abilities. More info on the project can be found here.

So there you have it, my favourite announcements of the past 12 or so hours and a varied bunch they are. I haven't gone into too much detail about the titles and I am waiting for more info to form a coherent opinion on them. Any opinions? Comment below!

Wednesday 15 September 2010

Tokyo Game Show 2010 part one

Well Tokyo Game Show is upon us once again with its masses of big announcements from Japan. The show doesn't officially start until tomorrow but as usual there have been a few of them today and they have indeed set the mood for this years show. Now hopefully we will get that fabled announcement of Shenmue 3...

Below are a few of my favourites from today and links to relevant news stories.

Devil May Cry 5?

Check here for more info and a trailer.

Shadows Of The Damned

This is the collaboration between SUDA 51 and SHINJI MIKAMI... check the trailer here.

Alice: Madness Returns

Now this is a game I am excited about. More images here.

Asura's Wrath = God of War of Japan?

There is also a trailer for this new game. Let me know what you think of it after viewing the trailer here.