Sunday 5 June 2011

Update on lack of posting

This is just a quick post to explain why I haven’t been keeping up to date with No Rules Required recently. As you may know I have been playing around with various different ideas and have been sticking my thumbs in too many projects to actually focus on any particular one properly. In terms of my work approach this hasn’t been very productive and although I have been working continuously I haven’t managed to progress fast enough or deep enough with any one project to feel like I am achieving anything.
So with this I have decided to place to the side any projects I was currently tinkering with to start a new project with a couple of peers that I worked with during my Masters to actual create something that is professional and exciting.
In terms of information I sadly cannot divulge anything to you till we have something solid to show, but what I can say is that as soon as we have something set up to view I will be posting a link on here. As for posts of my work and articles on here or Gamasutra, unfortunately they will be on hold as all my time and effort is going into this projects design, although I do have a few interesting articles stored up in my brain for you.