Saturday 23 April 2011

Why no posts???

Heya guys!

Just a quick post to apologise for no updates on my current work or articles on design or current gaming affairs. I have been snowed under with the design of my current title meaning that the work I have done is currently not at a stage that is suitable to be shown.

Not to worry though as I am hoping to get some lovely screen shots to you in a couple of weeks time!

Happy easter y'all!

Saturday 2 April 2011

Project Cat Boy Game Play

(Updated: Due to an excellent point from a friend (See comments) The walk and run mechanics will be reversed...e.g. Run as standard, walk on press of a button. Cheers Elcura.)

Hello everyone!

This week I have been working hard on getting some level designing done for Project Cat Boy and have had a mine of creativity surface which is great news. Unfortunately the levels at the moment are Top Secret until they are in production but I can let you know some of the exciting game play elements the game is going to feature. Below there are two lists for you to view, one of basic game mechanics (so you all can see how it is going to play on a basic level) and one of the more intricate mechanics the game is going to feature. There are more to come but at this moment in time they are still being decided on.

As always any thoughts or ideas are always welcome and anybody can comment below. This game is a product of our love for videogames and the people that have helped shape the industry today, any thoughts and comments are greatly appreciated.

Basic Game Mechanics
1.     Walking – Cat Boy as a default will run but he can walk as well. This will be done at the push of a button to allow him to slow down and stroll at a leisurely pace.

2.     Running –Cat Boy as a default will run rather than walk. As a friend pointed out this will allow for a greater sense of energy in the game and will not frustrate when moving back and forth between puzzles.

3.     Jumping – Cat Boy also has the ability to jump at the press of a button. This allows him to reach platforms that are out of reach and to jump across gaps that may heed his progress. Sometimes he will need to jump on props to solve puzzles and progress in the game. This can be done when he is walking and running.

4.     Picking Up Objects – Throughout Cat Boys adventure he will sometimes need to pick up objects and carry them about. This is easily done as when Cat Boy runs into one of these objects he will automatically pick it up and it will be stored in his bag.

5.     Pushing Props – Sometimes Cat Boy will be required to push objects around the game stage to solve puzzles and challenges that he may face.  Pushing against the prop in the direction that you wish it to be moved does this.

Featured Game Mechanics
1.     Collecting Thoughts – In each game world there are a certain number of forgotten thoughts that Cat Boy needs to collect in order for the world’s creator to remember who they are. These thoughts are often hidden in the dark parts of the occupier’s mind as game objects, the parts they wish to forget although the thoughts themselves are pleasant experiences from their previous life. Cat Boy needs to overcome challenges to obtain these thoughts and convince the occupier they are in a dream world and that they are being harvested.

2.     Obtainable Abilities – During each world Cat Boy will receive an ability that he will be able to use in the episodes to come. For example in the first world he gains the ability to push objects around to solve challenges. This will allow the game play to stay fresh and gives the player the element of wonder when they play a new episode.

3.     Evolving Levels – As you start to convince the worlds host that this is all an hallucination the world will start to crumble and change. This affects previous challenges and areas helping keep game play alive and interesting whilst bringing the games narrative to the forefront to show advancement.